How to use Taste ‘n’ Tell Food Cards

We invited a selection of Teachers to describe the ways they implemented the card sets in the classroom. The following are just a few of their creative ideas, in no particular order:

“We asked pupils to read the rhymes out loud and to memorise them.”

Taste'n'Tell Food Education

“We discussed the meaning of words in the rhymes pupils had never heard.”

Taste'n'Tell - scrumptious

“We asked pupils to think of other words associated with food that rhyme,e.g.

what rhymes with bake? (cake)


what rhymes with peach? (beach)”

Taste'n'Tell - Shutterstock_2177402839
Taste'n'Tell - kids having fun on the beach

“They asked pupils to draw a picture relating to the rhyme.”

Taste'n'Tell -

“We asked pupils to draw a picture relating to the rhyme. “

“Where appropriate they brought in food samples e.g., porridge oats to look at and discuss texture etc.”

Taste'n'Tell healthy food education

“We discussed whether the food depicted on the cards could be described as sweet, sour, salty or bitter”

Taste'n'Tell - Two,Young,Children,,Little,Girl,And,Little,Boy,Taste,Sour

“We asked pupils on memorising the rhymes to repeat them at home and share their new knowledge about food.”

Taste'n'Tell - Little,Schoolchildren,Are,Reading,Book,At,School