Nutritionist – Dr Laura Wyness, BSc, MSc, PhD, RNutr

The Taste ‘n’ Tell experience has multiple benefits for children. The resources provide an opportunity for the children to become familiar with a range of foods whilst stimulating their senses of colour, smell, taste and texture.  In addition, the programme can help the children develop their communication skills as well as gaining knowledge and understanding of where food comes from and healthy eating.  The Taste ‘n’ Tell experience has a variety of fun and engaging activities that can be integrated into the educational programme and continued within the home environment, helping children learn through food and develop healthy eating habits.

Establishing good food habits in early years has a key role in helping children eat a wide variety of foods which can provide them with a better balance of nutrients for their health and wellbeing as they grow. Evidence shows that early life childhood food preferences and experience predict later childhood and adult food preferences and dietary range (Harris & Mason, 2017).  Taste ‘n’ Tell helps provide a fun and positive opportunity for children to try out a range foods.